The Cold


Cold Electronic Music...


The Cold



From Alaska!


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Music by Chadde Ogren


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The Cold CD is the latest project of Chadde Ogren. It is a "remix" album of his previously released material. The Cold is a new name that Chadde has adopted, kind of descriptive of his music and his home in Alaska. His previous songs were a perfect way to start the process of being known as "The Cold".

How to describe Chadde's music...that is very difficult! It is electronic, however the drums are actually played and recorded. Chadde uses electronic drums, so they still have that synthetic flavor and precision. The music has many layers almost like a symphony, but with a cutting edge. Tons of  rhythms, maybe even operatic vocals mixed in for a nice blend of fantasy. Always...there is a lot going on! Some of it dark, energetic for sure, imaginative, some even humorous. All of it entertaining! 

History...Chadde started out playing drums in a band called "The Guests." Their first live performance was their sixth grade talent show. (1982) At age twelve they rocked! In high school, they hit the studio three times and released three albums of creative folk-rock. (R.E.M... style, but before R.E.M.) Great music to check out! In the near future a compilation CD will be available for "Guest" fans. 

K.N.A.W. was Chadde's escape in college. What a study break! Recorded in Pullman, Washington (1993). Two albums were released. The sound is a harsh-rock-punk-thing. Heavy metal guitar with Chadde's precise drum beats. A very good combo! It "rumbles". This was also Chadde's debut with vocals. K.N.A.W. will be available on soon.

Back to Alaska (1994)..."wanted to do music, but did not want a band." So Chadde decided to do it all himself and "Snake Hiss Studio" was born. Digital audio, MIDI, and custom graphics. Roland, Cakewalk, Mackie, etc... Technology at its finest! The first project "Lady Of Darkness" was released in 1996. It was definitely Chadde's best work...completely solo with the help of his computer. Quality electronic music: original, imaginative, excellent. However, with a name like "Lady Of Darkness" people were scared of the music. A valuable lesson in marketing was 2001 a name change..."The Cold." (Lady Of Darkness CDs can still be purchased at

Next project? At least twenty songs await Chadde on his computer. All these songs are rough drafts, so he will select eight of them to complete and release in January 2002. The secret ingredient this time: Valerie's vocals! (His wife.) If the music is complete before will hear it first on Updates will be posted here! If you would like to be notified of future releases send e-mail. 

HELP! Chadde is looking for ways to distribute his music! The more people he can reach the better... If you think you can help, send e-mail. Chadde is an expert drummer and is very experienced in music software...maybe he can help you.

If you need music for video games, television or movies send e-mail, Chadde would jump at the chance. His quality compositions could only benefit any production.

Is Chadde a music snob? He is very critical of music and is very critical of his own music. The time he spends on music is immense which results in accurate, quality, and creative works of musical imagination. Please take the time to listen to the Music, so you can judge for yourself. Even if you don't like electronic music, you will still be entertained by Chadde's unique style. Enjoy!

The Cold


Cold Electronic...


The Cold

A nothing "fancy" website. The majority of web users have dial-up modems. So, yes...the motion and effects are neat, but they take too much time!!!

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